Complete a health administration degree completely online!
Our program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in today's competitive health care environment.
We understand that many of our students are already active in the workforce and need a more flexible, online-based education. Our courses offer essential business skills and health care industry knowledge that will open up a world of career opportunities and improve your standard of living. Our program emphasizes servant leadership, with coursework that covers Christian personal and professional ethics, career development, etiquette, and more.
Upon graduating from our program, you'll be ready for a wide range of potential career paths, such as CEO of a health care network, marketing/advertising director for a hospital, community health department director, human resources director, and more. Our goal is to produce ethical health care industry leaders who will serve as servant leaders in the workplace.
At Southwest Baptist University, we're committed to providing you with a quality education that will help you reach your goals. With our online health administration degree program, you can do just that. Contact us today to learn more.
Upcoming SBU Worldwide Start Dates
March 17, 2025Apply by: |
June 9, 2025Apply by: |
August 18, 2025Apply by: |
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(Number of new health services administrator positions in the U.S. by 2023. Source - Bureau of Labor Statistics)